Birth Country Connections and Their Impact — The Heart of the Journey

For more than 30 years, adoptees and their families have been setting off on global adventures with the goal of learning more about their birth countries, and ultimately themselves. At the heart of every journey, adoptees are making unique and important connections as they strive to answer, “Who am I?” You might be inclined to think the only important connections … Read More

Messages of Birth Country Travel

When birth country travel includes the adoptive family, a team of supportive adoption specialists, and other adoptees (and their families), the ingredients are in place for a powerful experience filled with life changing messages.  THE MESSAGES IN PICTURES Traveling with other adoptees and their families has given me a community where I feel like I belong in a way no other community ever has. Everyone just gets it. 

Blending In and Standing Out

“I dreamed of going back to my birth country just to be able to fit in.” We hear that a lot. Given the opportunity on a birth country trip, many adoptees are anxious to walk a few steps ahead or a few steps behind whoever they are traveling with (sorry Mom and Dad!) to see what it feels like to … Read More

Journey to Acceptance

Lia, 16, a China Ties participant, reflects on what led her from heartache to healing. Summer, 2001. An elderly couple hobbles up to a promising gate guarding a quiet orphanage with a baby swaddled in a soccer blanket. A girl, who wouldn’t carry on the family name or have the responsibility of taking care of her parents in their senior … Read More